Joyce C. Hayward Award
for Historic Interpretation
This award is given annually to an individual who has made a major contribution to the interpretation of Great Lakes maritime history, in furtherance of the goals of the Association.
See the previous award winners
To nominate an individual for this award, please review nomination criteria below and then provide the information requested on the nomination form linked to this page to chair of the Association’s Awards Committee. Nominations are accepted throughout the year. The information can be submitted by e-mail or surface mail to the address shown on the nomination form.
Nomination Criteria
1. Nominees may be individuals associated with an institutional
Association member or an individual Association member. The
committee will also give consideration to individuals who are not currently Association members.
2. Nominees are evaluated based on their personal contributions to an institution, several institutions, and/or the field of Great Lakes maritime history interpretation.
3. Contributions to be recognized can be made in such areas as the creation of exhibits that result in new or unique interpretations of Great Lakes maritime history, educational programs that have a
regional impact, or the promotion of multi-institutional
collaboration on projects involving interpretation.
4. The contributions of the nominees should involve a period of
five years or more.
Nomination Guidelines
1. Nominations can be made by the executive director or a board member of an institutional Association member, or an individual
Association member. The committee will also give consideration to nominations by institutions and individuals which are not currently
Association members.
2. Nominators must complete a nomination form or provide the equivalent information with specific examples of the nominee’s
contributions to the field of historic interpretation.
3. To be considered for this year’s awards program, nominations must be mailed or e-mailed to the chair of the Awards Committee
by the deadline indicated by the annual call for nominations.
Judging Process
1. A multi-person committee, selected by the Association’s Board of Directors, will judge the nominations and select this year’s winners.
2. The Awards Committee will then inform the Association
president of their selections for his or her review and approval.